Leonteq is now issuing products on the BX Swiss stock exchange as it further executes on its strategic priority to continue building out its product offering and further broadening its ecosystem for investment solutions.
As part of Leonteq’s planned expansion of its product offering and the commitment to further developing its domestic presence in Switzerland, Leonteq is now issuing products listed on BX Swiss. In doing so, Leonteq is broadening its ecosystem for investment solutions and is significantly expanding its own as well as its partners’ range of digitally tradable investment products in Switzerland. It will additionally add BX Swiss as a listing option on its digital marketplace LynQs. Leonteq listed its first product on BX Swiss at the end of February 2021 and since then has issued more than 20 products and will further increase its offering in due course.
This expansion builds on an already strong market position in Switzerland, where Leonteq (together with its platform partners) is the leading issuer of yield enhancement products with a market share of 32% and the number three issuer of total listed structured products with a market share of 9%.
Lukas Ruflin, CEO at Leonteq, stated: “The acceleration of digital transformation is evident more than ever in the current market environment and we see a clear client need for digital trade execution capabilities. With BX Swiss, we are able to significantly expand our product offering with new listing options while at the same time offering our clients a larger range of investment products that are digitally tradable.”
Lucas Bruggeman, CEO at BX Swiss, said: “We are delighted to have added Leonteq to our exchange. As one of the leading providers of structured investment products and a company focused on digitalisation, Leonteq brings a structured product offering that complements our company’s philosophy. We are looking forward to together growing the offering for investment solutions on “deriBX” the segment for structured products of BX Swiss.”
About BX Swiss BX Swiss AG operates an exchange focused on the needs of Swiss investors and issuers. It is subject to the Financial Market Infrastructure Act and is supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. The comprehensive range of over 2,700 shares, 600 ETFs, 2,600 wikifolio certificates, 6 ETPs on various crypto currencies, more than 500 bonds and more than 25,000 structured products is available at BX Swiss to Swiss investors from 09.00 to 17.30 CET.
Contact Leonteq Media Relations +41 58 800 1844 media@leonteq.com Leonteq Investor Relations +41 58 800 1855 investorrelations@leonteq.com BX Swiss Media Relations +41 31 329 40 40 presse@bxswiss.com
LEONTEQ Leonteq is a Swiss company active in the finance and technology sector with a focus on the structured products segment. Based on proprietary modern technology, the company offers derivative investment products and services and predominantly covers the capital protection, yield enhancement and participation product classes. Leonteq acts as both a direct issuer of its own products and as a partner to other financial institutions. Leonteq further enables life insurance companies to produce capital-efficient, unit-linked pension products with guarantees. The company has offices and subsidiaries in 12 countries, through which it serves over 50 markets. Leonteq AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
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This press release constitutes Advertising within the meaning of article 68 of the FinSA. It serves only for information purposes and is not research; it constitutes neither a recommendation for the purchase of financial instruments nor an offer or an invitation for an offer. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. Investors bear the full credit risk of the issuer for products which are not issued as COSI® products. Before investing in derivative instruments, investors are highly recommended to ask their financial advisor for advice specifically focused on the investor´s financial situation; the information contained in this document does not substitute such advice.
This press release is not a legally binding document and does not constitute (i) a prospectus or a simplified prospectus pursuant to art. 5 Collective Investment Schemes Act (“CISA”), as such article was in effect immediately prior to the entry into effect of the Swiss Financial Services Act (“FinSA”), (ii) nor a prospectus pursuant to article 40 of the FinSA, (iii) a listing prospectus pursuant to art. 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, (iv) a prospectus within the meaning of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (all as amended and implemented from time to time) or (iv) a prospectus under any other laws and regulations.
A Swiss key information document( FinSA KIDs) or key information document in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (PRIIPs Regulation) has been prepared in relation to the Products and may be obtained, free of charge, upon request from the Lead Manager at Europaallee 39, 8004 Zurich (Switzerland), via telephone (+41 58 800 1111*), fax (+41-(0)58-800 1010) or via e-mail (termsheet@leonteq.com). Please note that all calls made to numbers marked with an asterisk (*) are recorded. By calling such number, your consent to the recording is deemed given.