Leonteq today expands its range of crypto currency products by offering tracker certificates on Ether, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin listed on the Swiss stock exchange.
Following the successful introduction of Bitcoin certificates and the launch of a short tracker certificate on Bitcoin in 2017, Leonteq now offers tracker certificates on Ether (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC), which are among the five largest crypto currencies in terms of market capitalisation.
Leonteq’s solution poses an important alternative to a direct investment in cryptocurrencies, as its tracker certificates enable investors to participate in the price performance of Ether, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin without purchasing and storing those crypto currencies digitally. Hence, investors do not need to access unregulated exchanges, nor are they facing non-transparent settlement processes.
The first day of trading on the SIX Swiss Exchange will be 07 March 2018 and the issuer of the products is Leonteq Securities AG in Zurich. Tracker certificates with a two year maturity are denominated in Swiss francs (SIX symbol: Ether ETHCTQ, Bitcoin Cash BCHCTQ, Litecoin LTCCTQ) and US dollars (SIX symbol: Ether ETHUTQ, Bitcoin Cash BCHUTQ, Litecoin LTCUTQ).
„Leonteq continues to provide its clients further diversification opportunities through new asset classes. We are very pleased to be the first provider in Switzerland to offer our customers a simple and transparent investment solution on Ether, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin,” said David Schmid, Head of Investment Solutions and Banking Solutions and member of the Executive Committee at Leonteq.